Jennifer Rhys

The author, a brunette in big sunglasses, jeans, a navy blue plaid flannel, and a straw cowboy hat, sits atop a black horse whose ears indicate she's not entirely thrilled with the situation.

Love for the Ages

A die-hard New Englander, Jennifer Rhys resides in Massachusetts with her husband, two spoiled dogs, and one cat to rule them all.

She spends her days arguing with software and her nights arguing with video games. Somewhere in there she finds time to write stories about Xennials finding love and happiness in a sometimes difficult and messy world.


October 16, 2023: And the Maggie goes to...

Third place is still on the podium, y'all! Very proud of this!

Huge kudos to fellow SF2.0 member Crystal Nikish for taking 2nd!

June 28, 2023: It's a major award!

Super excited and proud to announce that Homegrown Honey is a finalist in the 2023 Maggie Awards!